
Downward Slide into the Holidays.

Sorry for the mini-blogging-hiatus.  No, we didn't meet our demise huddled together, frozen little peoplesicles.  The furnace guy did make it by midnight, and being good Minnesotans we had two space heaters to keep our blood flowing until it was fixed.  Rather, I think the posting-break may have been due to everyday blogging in November.  Believe I was burnt out a bit.

You may have been too.

That, and preparing for the holidays is tough.  So much to do, yet so freakin' cold out that it makes you not want to get anything done.

I'd rather be snuggled under a warm blanket sipping a hot toddy chocolate.  Instead we've I've been doing this :

Holiday cards - Addressed.  (But not yet sent...)
Shopping - (mostly) Done.
Gift Wrapping - Finished.

Shutter : 1/30
Aperture : f/1.8
Focal Length : 35mm
ISO : 900

Tree Still Upright and Decorated No Thanks To the Kid or the Cat - Yes.  For now.

Shutter : 1/40
Aperture : f/1.8
Focal Length : 35mm
ISO : 200

Christmas Cookies - Well... I've decided which ones I will be baking this year.  And I'm adding truffles, 'cause apparently I like to punish myself.  (And because chocolate owns me.)  Some grocery shopping for the ingredients is in the near future. 
Though, that does mean I must leave the (now warm) confines of my humble abode, so perhaps not as near in the future as it should be.

Ready or not, here comes the holidays!



  1. I'm going to try making truffles this year, too! Great minds think alike, I guess! Love you!

  2. I really want a lens that goes to the 1.8 or 1.4 aperature. Your pictures are GREAT! Lyn-Dee
